Engage effectively, responsibly and profitably in the global textile industry.
Our values and commitments are very practical and straight forward to maintain Customer's satisfaction and delight.
"To become a Gloabal textile frontrunner, through unmatched quality, continuous innovation, empowered employees, and the highest ethical and professional standards."
STANDARDS - If there were no standards, we would soon notice. Standards make an enormous contribution to most aspects of our lives - although very often, that contribution is invisible. It is when there is an absence of standards, that their importance is brought home.
In todays world, home textiles assumes utmost importance in terms of design, fashion and cultural expression, adding glamour and style to your home.There is no universal language for design and style, but the important aspect is the aesthetically pleasing look, functionality and the portrayed dynamism.
138, Pirana Road, Piplej,
(Gujarat) India.
Phone : +91-79-32448244
Fax : + 00-91-79-25715554
Email : info@anunay.in